Technology is renowned for moving at lightning pace, with constant new releases that promise improvements on everything from business productivity to security and resilience.

Of course, though you won’t want or need every single new piece of technology, it’s worthwhile having a constant cycle of assessment and improvement, to ensure your business IT is functioning to the best of its ability. Not only will this equip you with the best tools available, it could actually save you money in the long term.

Your IT support company will be well placed to audit your business and advise on what needs to change – and potentially any older tech you may be using (and paying for) but don’t actually require. Combining their IT expertise with knowledge of your business and its requirements means that your support company is uniquely qualified to provide useful, personal advice.

The fact this company operates outside of your business is part of its strength. From the outside looking in, an IT support company can offer advice unimpeded by habit; the position that ‘things have always been done this way’. Instead, with fresh eyes they can determine what is business critical and what could be updated, improved upon or done away with altogether.

Perhaps the biggest benefit of a regular IT review is security. Older software, missed updates and poor training can give cybercriminals all they need to gain access to your systems and data. Regular reviews and updates, however, will protect your business and clients – as well as helping keep you compliant with all the latest regulations.

There’s also a potentially massive cost benefit. Millions of pounds is wasted every year by companies paying licences on software they either no longer use, or for levels of access they simply don’t need. An IT support company with knowledge of the industry can offer invaluable insight into which technology is worth the investment and which can be consigned to the digital scrap heap.