In the light of the recent IT security breaches, we are warning customers to stay vigilant when opening emails and attachments. Hackers have developed new and increasingly clever ways of breaching security measures by disguising themselves as familiar contacts. These are particularly prevalent in accounting and purchasing departments, where an attachment can look like a recent order confirmation or an expected invoice, when in fact it contains a lethal virus or ransomware. Nearly all the targeted attacks start with email.
Whilst there will be measures in place to minimise the risks of a security breach, one of the most effective ways to avoid an attack is to continuously educate staff.
Stop Cybercrime Poster
To help with this process, we have created a simple poster to highlight the key things to look out for when opening emails at work. We would advise you to print this poster and display somewhere prominent in your workplace (click poster for PDF to download).
We can’t stress enough; how important this education is. As you will have seen from the recent WannaCry ransomware attack, cybercrime is on the increase, and it can often take hours or even days to recover your data.
Paul Kollnig, Director comments ‘Whilst we make sure all our customers are protected with the latest versions of security software, it is impossible to guard against all malicious activity as new codes are developed every day. We advise our clients to stay vigilant when opening emails and educate staff on what to look out for.’
Get in touch
If you would like further information about additional layers of security that can be applied to your system such as Data Loss Prevention and Advanced Threat Protection, please get in touch to speak to a member of our team on 01293 871971.