The M2 newsletter has been in circulation for over five years, bringing to your inbox a quick round up of all the latest IT industry news each month. It is also a good place to share M2 team news and highlight new technology breakthroughs that may affect your business in the future.
You may have noticed your inbox flooded with mailing list ‘opt-in’ requests over the past few weeks. With the new GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) rules coming into effect on Friday 25th May, business owners will be required by European Law to gain consent to contact the individuals on their marketing database. Although this feels like an administrative headache, it is good news for you. It means you will only receive content relevant to you and emails from companies you have chosen to engage with.
At the heart of the marketing communications guidelines is legitimate interests. If you are on our list for receiving the M2 newsletter and latest IT industry news, we will have asked you in the past if you would like to receive it. Since we have your consent and the monthly updates are relevant for all our clients, we have taken the decision not to ask you to go through the process of opting in again to receive it. If you no longer wish to receive our monthly newsletter, you may unsubscribe by clicking on the Unsubscribe link located in the footer of your newsletter email.
There are also strict guidelines in place detailing how an organisation should store personal data safely. Data Processors and Controllers alike will be now accountable for any data privacy breaches. If this is something that your business has not yet addressed, then we can assess your security requirements and deploy cost-effective IT security measures to protect your data from the threat of hackers and malware. If you’d like to discuss how M2 can help speak to Paul Kollnig on 01293 871971 or email paul.kollnig@m2computing.co.uk.