Why hire a local IT company?

By on May 10, 2016 in General, IT support

Getting the right IT support for your small business is vital if you want to stay connected and keep your staff working as productively as possible. Choosing a local IT company has a number of benefits, not least the advantage of a support system that knows your area well and is in tune with what businesses like yours are looking for.

Improving IT performance at Cole Marie

By on April 26, 2016 in Case studies

Based in Reigate, Surrey, Cole Marie Partners Limited are Chartered Accountants providing individuals, partnerships and companies with a personal, professional service. A business built on its reputation for high quality service, they offer accounting, taxation advice, payroll, company secretarial and business support. Having a solid reliable IT system is critical to meet client and HMRC deadlines, maintaining their reputation for a quality professional service. M2 Computing were approached to review their IT system which was extremely slow and hindering productivity.

“I have been delighted with the system and service levels over the past few months and are looking forward to a long working relationship with M2 Computing going forwards” comments Vicky Curran, Owner, Cole Marie, Surrey.

Just 3 months to take advantage of the FREE Windows 10 Upgrade

By on April 26, 2016 in Blog, IT support, Microsoft

By now you may have heard a fair amount about Windows 10.  It’s the latest version of the Windows Operating System from Microsoft. It may be that you have downloaded the free upgrade onto your home pc or laptop. If you have, then I am sure you will have found it incredibly easy to use with seamless changes from Windows 7 or even Windows 8.  There have also been a number of updates since it launched in July last year and we’ve seen that it’s stable and can work well for business use.