GDPR IT Support

Is your business ready for the new GDPR?

By on July 18, 2017 in General

According to recent research, many companies are still completely unprepared for the GDPR coming next Spring. There is a requirement for all businesses, regardless of size, to comply or face the pretty significant consequences. Firstly, failure to comply with the complex legislative obligations could lead to damaging penalties but, just as importantly, it is in every business owner’s interest to get data protection right and to safeguard the security of its systems and data.

Can you recover from an unexpected data loss?

By on June 30, 2017 in Blog, Company news, Disaster recovery

With stories of cybercrime hitting the headlines on what appears to be a daily basis, burying one’s head in the sand over data loss is no longer an option. This is real. Organisations both large and small are continuously being hit with increasingly sophisticated variations of cybercrime designed to cause major disruption.

If your business became a victim of cybercrime – how quickly would you recover your data?