Should I cover my webcam?

By on November 29, 2017 in Blog, Security, Web privacy

It wasn’t so long ago that anyone who obscured or covered their webcam was labelled a worrier at best, conspiracy theorist at worst. However, the practice has become much more widespread,with even the likes of whistle-blower Edward Snowden, former FBI director James Comey and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg admitting to covering theirs up. 

Government funds new generation of anti-hackers

By on November 29, 2017 in Blog, Security

A £20 million initiative has been launched by the government to identify and train the next generation of cyber security experts – to keep Britain ahead of any would-be hackers.

It’s hoped that the Cyber Discovery programme will not just get young people interested in security work but also fill an important skills gap in the UK marketplace.