‘Hybrid learning’ presents huge opportunities – and some challenges

By on October 23, 2020 in General, Remote working

Teachers across the UK have warned that benefits from so-called ‘hybrid learning’ may only be felt by certain pupils, depending on their access to technology.

The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has meant people doing much more from home – not least educating their children. As such, it’s not only companies that need to consider the implications of home working, but teachers and parents too.

iPhone finally makes 5G jump

By on October 12, 2020 in Apple, New technology

Apple has confirmed its latest devices will finally allow 5G connectivity, in what some say is a bid to prompt mass upgrades.

The Californian company had surprised some in the tech community by holding off on 5G connectivity for an uncharacteristically long time. As many of its rivals fell over one another to secure ‘first-mover advantage’, Apple waited until it thought was the time was right.